Monday, July 27, 2015

Make up Monday!
I want to start the day by saying that I am desperately trying to figure out how to upload a photo to this thing, and have been trying for 2 days with no luck. I have clicked on the add a photo icon and gone through all the steps, and then nothing happens!

The second thing I want to say is that OMG, my air is out again! It is currently 80 degrees in here and climbing! Just my luck, a week with no kids and I can't even enjoy it.

So, I am not sure how to proceed, as my plan was to post photos of all the MAKE UP that is on SALE, which is virtually every makeup item that AVON has (and then some)! But again, I can't figure out how to upload a photo. So we will improvise.

All of the make up items are currently on sale: from nail polish (gels included), foundation to powders, eyeshadows, lip-brown-eye liners, lipsticks and much more!

shop on line at or call me for a brochure at 931-305-8666

Saturday, July 25, 2015

I'm starting this blog to keep my Avon customers up to date on current sales, promotions and giveaways. In addition I will be adding content as appropriate for my sales team.

Today I am just getting started with the blog, learning the ropes of the blogging process & setting up my page.

For customers: go to to shop my estore 24/7. If you prefer a brochure in your hands give me a call at 931-305-8666, and I will get one in to you.

My current email:

For my team: keep looking, site is under development